Sunday, February 3, 2013

 Love the scenery in southern Chile
 Zone Leader's Conference.  Some awesome leaders!
 Elder Goodman's 64th Birthday
May all your wishes come true!
 La Familia Gomez with President and Sister Rappleye
 Hugo, Claudia, Mariela, Camilla, and Grandpa and Grandma
Gomez after Sunday dinner
 La cascada along the road between 
Coyhaique and Puerto Aysen
 The bridge at Puerto Aysen.  There's a story there!
 A view of the mountains across the Simpson River.
The "scars" on the mountainside were not there previous
to an earthquake several years ago.  Local legend 
says they are hands reaching to God
 Cute children of the Puerto Aysen
branch president and his wife (she
made amazing lemon pie)
 Scenery near the River Simpson
 The River Simpson
First catch of the day
 An interesting lamp in the Hotel Dreams in Coyhaique
 A license plate in the house of the Coyhaique elders, 
reflecting the use of "po" in Chilean Spanish
(sipo, nopo, yapo, etc.)
 Mountains surrounding the Guillermo River Valley
 The Guillermo River Valley
 Fishermen need "special" hats to be considered
"trained professionals"
 Maury Tanner and Sister Rappleye with
the biggest catch of the day
Elder Goodman and President Rappleye
Do you think the fishing was good?
 The amazing blue hydrangeas -- up close and personal
 La familia Schnettler with Hermana Howard and
Martinez on the day of the Schnettler's baptism
 A glimpse of Puerto Octay on the shores of
Llanquihue Lake
 How about this for a "retirement home?"
 How do you say "farm implements" in Spanish?
 Osorno Volcan with Grant Holdsworth
 Petrohue Falls with Susan, Grant Holdsworth,
and Maury and Wendy Tanner
Couldn't resist a photo of this "charming hotel"
in Frutillar