Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chile's version of the San Francisco Peaks.

Our Kia mini-van which serves as a bus, a pickup truck,
an airport shuttle, etc. Maybe we could sell this photo to Kia for an ad?
The house on Llanquihue Lake that Tom wants. The view from the front
of the house is of Osorno Volcan with the pasture and cows in the foreground
(from the previous post). What do you think!

A small view of Llanquihue Lake.
The map of Llanquihue Lake -- the second largest lake in Chile and the third
largest in South America.
Three snow-capped volcanoes can be seen in this photo --
the spike of Puntiagudo Volcan (l); the shattered cone of Calbuco (center);
the perfect cone of Osorno.
A Nestle Plant on the highway to Osorno Volcan. There are Nestle "lecherias"
(dairy farms) on both sides of the road for many miles. Think "contented,
grass-fed cows in Chile" next time you consume a Nestle product.
The view Tom wants from Lake Llanquihue.

So long, farewell, adios y chao!!!
Elder Coria (Argentina) and Elder Nelson (Utah) the Assistants
to the President. Our goodbyes at the bus station.
Those of us who were left standing after the bus left.

Preparations for "going home" dinner.
The office elders prior to August 22 "cambios."
L to R, Elders Coria, Klinkefus, Nelson, Mietchen, Davis, Goodman;
Carmen, Barker, and Abel.
The departing elders with Pres. and Sister Rappleye.
An outstanding group of young men!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Calbuco volcan from the countryside near Fresia.
Elder Barker, the office financiero, aka "Mr. Incredible."
The buen hombre with Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes in the background.
Rio Negro Elders in front of their home.
The countryside near Fresia.

Fresia Branch talent show.
The Elders and Pres. Rappleye singing "Called to Serve."
A Fresia sister lip-syncing "la musica de Mexico."
Fresia saints.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

And a great time was had by all!!!
Elder Goodman making fruit salad for the zone leaders conference.
Checking out a new casa for the La Union elders.
Pancake breakfast for the office elders and the AP's (they live downstairs).
The Fresia Relief Society presidency doing a lively lip sync rendition!

Calbuco Branch ping pong.
Calbuco fashion statement.
Calbuco sisters with "completos" (hotdogs with the works).
Sister Goodman, Sister Rappleye, and Calbuco sister with
Relief Society project (they are in the process of making one for
each sister in the Relief Society.
Elder Klinkefus with a gift from members of the Calbuco Branch, made
with alerce wood -- a favorite of the Chileans.

August 2012, Osorno Chile

Llanquihue Lake on a clear day with Calbuco Volcan.

The sister missionaries with an investigator, Almendra.
A local fruit and vegetable stand. The produce is "muy grande!"
Elder Klinkefus (office secretary), Elder Carmen (AP), and Elder Barker,
(office financiero) at Llanquihue Lake

Monday, August 13, 2012

Some Pictures

Elder Goodman using his expertise on the barbeque grill for President Rappleye’s birthday party.

President Rappleye with the chocolate cream cheese birthday cakes Sister Goodman made

Outdoor picnic/party in mid-winter, including us, Pres. and Sister Rappleye, the couple we replaced (the Biddulphs), and the Thorups (a couple who came to pick their son up from the mission.

Elder Goodman teaching President Rappleye how to fly-fish in the back yard at the mission home.

Salmon in a Portuguese restaurant in Puerto Varas. Yummmm!

Missionaries going home on our first “cambio,” including Pres. and Sister Rappleye and the Biddulph’s (the couple we replaced).

Rainbow in Osorno (there’s not much chance we won’t get more rain)

Dairy farming is a big industry in this area of Chile. This is a new high-rise building in downtown Osorno with the cows outside

Lake Villarica with Villarica Volcan in the background.

Calbuco Bay

Ocean front in Calbuco

Catholic Church in the main plaza in Calbuco

Daughter of the branch president at Los Muermos singing Spanish version of “Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree.”
More games with the branch at Los Muermos

Games with branch at Los Muermos

Branch activity at Los Muermos. The three elders are AP’s – Elders Corria, Nelson, and Carmen. Elder Corria and Nelson will be going home next week. We will miss them.

The 12-story office building that houses the mission office – heated entirely with wood!

Picnic by Lake Villarica with Sister Furniss, Sister Kitto, and Sister Howard. Great road trip!

Elder and Sister Goodman with their companion, Sister Kitto.

Elder Goodman tying down an ironing board on our new Kia to make the road trip to Villarica.